Schools in England are struggling to support the 1.1 million pupils with special needs or disabilities (SEND) in mainstream classrooms, a report says.

A survey of 1,100 school leaders found delays to assessments, insufficient budgets and cuts to local authorities were hampering the ability to cope.

The study by The Key, which provides leadership and management support to schools, calls for increased funding.

The government says it has increased funding for those with "high needs".

Department for Education (DfE) statistics published last year showed there were more than 1.3 million children in England - 15% of pupils - identified as having special educational needs or disabilities.

How are children with special educational needs supported?

Of these, 1.1 million are in mainstream schools rather than special schools.

The research by The Key suggested:

  • 82% of mainstream schools in England do not have sufficient funding and budget to adequately provide for pupils with SEND
  • 89% of school leaders believe cuts to local authority services have had a detrimental impact on the support their school receives for pupils with SEND
  • Three-quarters of schools have pupils who have been waiting longer than expected for assessment of special educational needs or an education, health and care plan
  • 88% of school leaders think initial teacher training does not adequately prepare teachers to support pupils with SEND



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