More than one in eight secondary schools in England is below the standard deemed acceptable by ministers, league table data shows.

The secondary school league tables have just been published, featuring the results of the first pupils to sit new, tougher GCSEs in English and maths.

Some 365 schools, or 12%, were below the new tougher floor standard. In 2016 it was 282 schools or 9.3%.

The tables allow parents and pupils to compare the local schools' results.

Schools are judged by two recently new measures, Progress 8 and Attainment 8.

The data shows how many schools have missed the government's floor standard of -0.5 in Progress 8 in last summer's GCSEs.

There are significant regional variations, with London having the lowest proportion of under-performing schools at 6.9% and the North East the highest at 20.9%.

The tables use raw GCSE results from last year and a raft of data from the Department for Education to evaluate how well pupils progress in a school.


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