We know that interviews can be a daunting prospect.  We have summarised our top 10 interview tips for you to work through as you prepare for that all important next step - turning that job interview into an offer.  

  1. First impressions count - it is widely believed that hirers make their decision within the first 90 seconds of meeting you 
  2. Be prepared - do your research, plan your questions based on your findings
  3. Don't waffle - Keep answers as succinct as possible to stop a possible tangent but don’t be afraid to open up a little as this can help build rapport 
  4. Why should they hire you? Exactly that
  5. Be positive - this helps exemplify your confidence and self belief
  6. Remember your body language - particularly eye contact and that all important firm hand shake
  7. Expect the unexpected - thinking on our feet doesn’t always come naturally, see tip number 10
  8. Develop rapport - even the most technically qualified candidate (on paper) can fall at this hurdle
  9. Clarify anything you’re unsure of - asking questions shows you are keen and are likely to make a considered judgement in terms of the employment options available to you
  10. Take your time to answer - this may seem easier said than done but don’t be uncomfortable with a few seconds silence, it may just help you make that well considered answer they are looking for

If you are looking for any advice or searching for a new job in education we are always happy to hear from you.

Don't worry, please call us anyway to discuss your ideal job.

13/03/25The government faces a "now or never moment" to hit its target of recruiting 6,500 new teachers in England

The government faces a "now or never moment" to hit its target of recruiting 6,500 new teachers in England by the end of its term, a new report has suggested. Analysis by the National Foundation of Educational Research (NFER) says unfilled vacancies are at a record high and recruitment into teacher training remains "persistently low." All but five secondary subjects missed this year's recruitment targets for new trainee teachers, which are set by the Department for Education (DfE).

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04/03/25Schools to trial social media blackout scheme

Three schools in Surrey are launching a pilot programme to restrict mobile phone usage in an attempt to improve pupils' wellbeing. The secondary schools, which are part of the GLF Schools trust, are to trial an app that blocks social media, messaging and other apps which they believe are "distracting" during school hours. GLF Schools said the expected benefits were more focus in the classroom, a calmer learning environment and improved student mental health.

25/02/25First Kent schools named in free breakfast club pilot

The first schools in Kent and Medway to offer free breakfast clubs for pupils as part of a government scheme have been revealed.

24/02/25Schoolchildren have swapped French for British Sign Language

Children in Castle Hill Community Primary School in Folkestone have swapped French lessons for British Sign Language (BSL)