Pay Leadership Pay Scale - dependent on experience


Posted Wednesday 11th Sep 2024

Close Date Tuesday 1st Oct 2024 (closed)

Job Description

Headteacher: Job Description
To provide professional vision and leadership for the school which secures its success and improvement, ensuring high quality education for all its pupils and improved standards of learning and achievement. The professional duties of the head teacher are contained in the School Teacher’s Pay and Conditions Document and the key areas of Headship are contained in the DfE National Standards for Head teachers.
A head teacher shall carry out his/her professional duties in accordance with and subject to:
The provisions of the Education Acts
Any orders and regulations having effect there under
The instrument of government of the school of which s/he is head teacher
All mandatory policies
Targets as agreed with the management committee.
A head teacher shall carry out such duties in accordance with and subject to the following:
Any rules, regulations or policies laid down by the governing body under their powers
Any rules, regulations or policies laid down by the authority with respect to matters for which the governing body is not so responsible
Any rules, regulations or policies laid down by his/her employers, and
The terms of his/her employment.
A head teacher shall be responsible for the internal organization, management and control of the school. CONSULTATION
In carrying out his/her duties a head teacher shall consult, where this is appropriate, with the authority, the governing body, the staff of the school, the parents of its pupils, the pupils themselves and the local community PROFESSIONAL DUTIES
The professional duties of a head teacher shall include:
School aims: Formulating the overall aims and objectives of the school and policies for their implementation
Strategic direction and development of the school: Leading by example, providing educational vision and direction to secure the strong and passionate commitment of staff, parents/carers and pupils. APPOINTMENT OF STAFF
Leading the selection and appointment of the teaching and non-teaching staff of the school. MANAGEMENT OF STAFF
Deploying and managing all teaching and non-teaching staff of the school and allocating particular duties to them (including such duties of the head teacher as may be properly delegated to a deputy head teacher, assistant head teacher or other member of staff) in a manner consistent with their conditions of employment, maintaining a reasonable balance for each teacher between work carried out in school and work carried out elsewhere
Considering in particular in relation to such allocation of duties how far the duties of the head teacher may be delegated to any deputy head teacher or assistant head teacher
Ensuring that the duty of providing cover for absent teachers is shared equitably among all teachers in the school (including the head teacher), taking account of their teaching and other duties • Ensuring that teachers at the school receive information they need to carry out their professional duties effectively,
Ensuring that staff are aware of current educational developments and are kept up to date through an ongoing programme of continuous professional development
Leading, motivating, supporting, challenging and developing staff at all levels in order to secure and sustain continuous improvement and staff well-being and to be committed to personal continuing professional development
Supporting middle and senior leadership of the school to build capacity, recognize existing talents and encourage delegation
Challenging underperformance at all levels and putting in place effective procedures to deal with underperforming staff
Providing information, references and testimonials about the work and performance of staff employed at the school, with due regard to the principles of equal opportunities, where such information is relevant to their future employment. LIAISON WITH STAFF UNIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS
Maintaining relationships with organisations representing teachers and other persons on the staff of the school. CURRICULUM
Determining, organizing and implementing a broad and balanced curriculum for the school, having regard to the needs, experiences, interests, aptitudes and stage of development of the pupils and the resources available to the school
Securing that all pupils in attendance at the school take part in daily collective worship
Ensuring that improvements in the curriculum are a priority for all pupils including those with SEN, Gifted and Talented and EAL.
Ensuring that all aspects of school performance are monitored and evaluated in a robust, cyclical manner and maintaining a record of self-evaluation and areas for improvement, and of progress made in respect of these. STANDARDS OF TEACHING AND LEARNING
Evaluating the standards of teaching and learning in the school, and ensuring that proper standards of professional performance are established and maintained.
Supervising and participating in arrangements for the appraisal of the performance of teachers in the school
Participating in arrangements made for the appraisal of his/her performance as a head teacher, and that of other staff who are the responsibility of the same appraising body in accordance with such regulations
Participating in the identification of areas in which s/he would benefit from further training and undergoing such training
Ensuring that all staff in the school have access to advice and training appropriate to their needs, in accordance with the policies of the maintaining authority and governing body
Ensuring that newly-qualified teachers and those returning to teaching after a break in service have access to adequate support in their first year of service or resumed service
Being responsible for the supervision and training of teachers during their induction periods in accordance with the Induction Regulations, and making a recommendation at the end of such induction periods as to whether such teachers have met the prescribed induction standards as required by those regulations
Ensuring that teachers serving induction periods under the Induction Regulations do not teach more than 90% of the time a teacher at that school who does not receive a management allowance would be expected to teach THRESHOLD ASSESSMENT
Assessing (subject to approval by an assessor) whether a teacher at the school who applies for a threshold assessment has passed the threshold
Explaining to a teacher who makes an application for a threshold assessment the reasons for the outcome of his/her application and giving him/her advice about the aspects of his/her performance which would benefit from further development
Where requested by him/her to do so providing assistance to an assessor in relation to threshold assessments at the school.
Providing information about the work and performance of the staff employed at the school where this is relevant to their future employment.
Ensuring that the progress of pupils of the school is monitored and recorded
Ensuring continuing effective systems of planning, assessment, recording and reporting, using data and benchmarks to monitor attainment and progress, in every child’s learning
Using this data continuously to support and improve standards.
Ensuring that the health and wellbeing of children is encouraged through a nurturing environment. INCLUSION AND SPECIAL NEEDS
Promoting equality and inclusion in all aspects of school life
Ensuring that the requirements of the Code of Practice are met. DISCIPLINE
Ensuring that proper standards of behaviour are implemented.
Making such measures generally known within the school
Ensuring the maintenance of good order and discipline at all times during the school day when pupils are present on the school premises and whenever the pupils are engaged in authorized school activities, whether on the school premises or elsewhere. RELATIONS WITH PARENT
Making arrangements for parents/carers to be given regular information about the school curriculum, the progress of their children and other matters affecting the school, so as to promote common understanding of its aims
Creating and maintaining an effective partnership with parents/carers to support and improve pupils’ achievement and personal development
Working with parents/carers to ensure children have access to extended services, extracurricular opportunities, homework, and other social and educational experiences, e.g. through the Parent Staff Association. RELATIONS WITH THE GOVERNING BODY
Attending meetings of the governing body and making reports to them in connection with his/her responsibilities as they may properly require either on a regular basis or from time to time
Advising and assisting the governing body of the school in the exercise of their functions (without prejudice to any rights s/he may have as a governor of the school)
Advising the governing body on the adoption of effective procedures to deal with incompetent teachers, and keeping the governing body informed of the general operation of such procedures
Reporting to the governing body on the professional development of all staff at the school. RELATIONS WITH THE AUTHORITY
Maintaining liaison with other schools and education establishments with which the school has a relationship. RESOURCES
Allocating, controlling and accounting for those financial and material resources of the school which are under the control of the head teacher
Adhering to financial regulations.
Making arrangements for the security, maintenance, development and effective supervision of the school buildings and their contents and of the school grounds, and ensuring (if so required) that any lack of maintenance is promptly reported to the maintaining authority or, if appropriate, the governing body. ABSENCE
Arranging for a deputy head teacher or other suitable person to assume responsibility for the functions of the head teacher at any time when s/he is absent from the school. SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young person’s s/he is responsible for or comes into contact with.
Areas of responsibility:
Policy and procedure:
Act as a champion of the school’s safeguarding policy and procedures by ensuring all staff have access to and understand them.
Induct new members of staff with regard to the school and Medway’s safeguarding policies and procedures.
Ensure the school safeguarding policy is updated and reviewed annually.
Ensure parents see copies of the safeguarding policy to avoid potential conflict later.
Ensure that all staff are aware of their responsibility to challenge behaviour which breaches the Guidance for Safer Working Practice (Code of Conduct).
Reporting concerns:
Recognise how to identify signs of abuse and when to make a referral
Respond appropriately to disclosures or concerns relating to the well-being of a child
Refer allegations or cases of suspected abuse to the relevant investigating agencies, ensuring they have access to the most relevant up to date information
Liaise with the Governor with safeguarding responsibilities
Ensure that relevant, detailed and accurate written records of referrals/concerns are kept and that these are stored securely
When pupils move school, ensure their safeguarding file is sent to the new establishment immediately and securely
Refer cases to the Channel programme where there is a radicalisation concern as required
Support staff who make referrals to the Channel programme
It is not the role of the DSL to investigate allegations of abuse or neglect by members of staff working or volunteering with children in school. This falls to the Headteacher or to the Chair of Governors where the allegation is against the Headteacher.
Multi Agency working:
Ensure that pupils who are victims of abuse are supported appropriately and sensitively and that all actions from planning and intervention meetings are carried out and monitored
Attend and contribute effectively to Child in Need meetings, Child Protection conferences, planning and review meetings; including those taking place out of normal working hours.
Liaise and coordinate with colleagues and outside organisations to provide Early Help as soon as a problem emerges, at any point in a child or young person’s life working with the Early Help Strategic Partnerships and referring to the Early Help Allocation groups where necessary. Acting as Lead Professional as appropriate
Ensure that actions resulting from meetings are SMART and that they are carried out in a co-ordinated way; making the difference which was anticipated
Ensure all staff have safeguarding induction within their first 7 days and receive frequent updates so that they are able to recognise and report any concerns immediately
Attend relevant training every 2 years and an annual basis attend forums/roadshows to reinforce and enhance Safeguarding knowledge and practice
Represent the school at Designated Lead forums and disseminate the information to colleagues
Knowledge and skills:
Act as a source of support, advice and expertise within the school
Have a working knowledge of how the Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children
Board operates
Ensure that staff members are following up to date procedures in line with National
and Local expectations
Act with integrity; maintaining confidentiality at all times
General Duties:
To undertake such other duties, training and/or hours of work as may be reasonably required and which are consistent with the general level of responsibility of this job.
To ensure that the Section 175 Audit published by Medway Council Safeguarding Children Board is completed annually and returned by deadline and reviewed regularly
Ensuring the health and safety of all children, staff, parents/carers and visitors

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